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I have recently completed my Masters in Public Health from the University of New Haven. Before that, I worked on various health projects. I did my remote internship at WESTAT ( Maryland, Rockville) last summer as part of an academic requirement.
I have work experience in Nepal in Global fund's HIV-related projects and maternal health and I also worked briefly on the humanitarian project of the Lutheran World Federation after the major earthquake in Nepal in 2015. My duties mostly involved implementing the project activities and reporting the progress to my supervisors. Sometimes I visited the project sites as a part of the monitoring visit. Besides these, I also helped my team create public service announcements, created brochures/ reports and assisted the managers in their work. I also prepared to documents for the projects for approval of the local authorities.
I have coordinated a uterine prolapse health camp at a remote village in Nepal, conducted participatory rural appraisal in the remote villages of Nepal as part of health needs assessments, and presented a report on it. I have also helped my team in creating a survey as part of the baseline study. I also have some familiarity with the project proposals etc.